
2024-07-17 - Q2 2024

    New Tatmeen release with the following updates

    • Enhanced Unpacking Process:The enhanced unpacking process would allow the users to re-use the same serialized shipping container code SSCC for other packing purposes after they get unpacked, even when they use the ‘unpack-all’ functionality on Tatmeen. This will reduce the need to generate new SSCC regularly and would save the industry partners time and effort.
    • Product Verification Update: The updated process for product verification now allows both sides of the shipping transaction the shipping location and receiver location to perform product verification even when the items are in transit. This new update will allow the receiver’s location to check the detains and hierarchy of the item before they receive it into their location.
    • New Reports on Portal: SPOC users are now able to download performance reports from the Tatmeen Portal  Reports  Downloadable Reports. These reports are now consolidated in one location for better access and are up to date.
    • Enhanced Error Description: The descriptions of the errors that pop up to users whenever their transaction is rejected by the portal is further enhanced to become more descriptive.
    • New Updates Page: A new page was added to the tatmeen.ae website to keep track of all releases and updates.

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